Updated July 2024


Table of Contents

  • Club Rules & Information
    • Introduction
    • Guests
    • Tipping
    • Member Feedback
    • Club Communications
      • Weekly eNews and Text Message Updates
      • Daily Lineup Email
      • The Green Monthly Newsletter
      • Website and Website Access
      • In Memoriam Notices
    • Member Account Policy
  • Clubhouse Rules
    • Business and Technology
    • Smoking
    • Animals
    • Gambling
    • Personal Music
    • Area Restrictions
      • Gender-Restricted Areas
      • Junior Member Areas
    • General Dress Code Policy
      • General
      • Club Property
        • Not Acceptable anywhere on Club Property
          • All
          • Men
          • Women
      • Lower Floor of the Clubhouse
  • Dining
    • Dining Privileges
    • Guests for Dining
    • Dress Code for the Upper Floor of the Clubhouse
      • Dining Areas, Banquet Rooms and Adjacent Patios
        • Not Acceptable
      • Special Events
    • Making a Dining Reservation
    • Dining Service Charge
    • Dining Reciprocals
    • Special Member Events
      • Communications
      • Reservations
      • No-Show and Cancellation Policy
    • Small Groups – Room Rental Fee
    • Member Billing
      • Chits and Consumption
      • Minimum Food Charges
    • Liquor Policy
    • Wine Purchases
    • Wine Margin Policy
  • Golf
    • Golf Tee Time Requests at Other Clubs
    • Golf Dress Code
      • Accepted Attire on the Golf Course and Golf Practice Areas
        • Men
        • Women
      • Not acceptable on the Golf Course and Golf Practice Areas
    • Online Tee Time Reservation System
    • Golf Rules
    • Power Carts, Push Carts and Electric Push Carts
      • Golf Club, Push Cart and Electric Push Cart Storage
    • Medical Power Cart Program
      • Medical Power Cart Cost
    • Handicaps
      • Tournament Handicap Eligibility Policy
      • Event Eligibility
    • Tournament Cancellation Policy
    • Pace of Play
      • Pace of Play Complaint Procedure
      • Discipline
    • Frost Delays
    • Bunkers
    • Walkers, Riders and Caddies
    • Singleton Play
    • Golfing Guests
      • Golfing Guest Policy and Privileges
      • Guest Payment Policy
      • Advance Guest Booking Privileges
      • Family-Related Guests
      • Guest Cancellation Policy
  • Tennis
    • Tennis at Other Clubs
    • Tennis Dress Code
      • Accepted Attire on the Tennis Courts
        • All
      • Not Acceptable on the Tennis Courts
        • All
        • Men
    • Tennis Court Booking Rules
      • Registration
      • Court Reservation System
      • Back-to-Back Courts
      • Open and Vacant Courts
      • Cancellations
      • Substitutions
      • Violations
    • Tennis Guests
    • Tennis Guest Policy
  • Fitness
    • Fitness Centre Rules
      • Hours
      • Guests
      • Dress Code
    • Personal Training
    • Juniors
  • Member Privileges
    • Lockers
    • Golfing Privileges
      • Full Golfing Privileges
      • Senior Golfing Privileges
      • Associate Golfing Privileges
      • Clubhouse and Tennis Privileges
      • Non-Resident Privileges – Golf
      • Practicing for Golf
    • Tennis Privileges
      • Tennis and Golf with Tennis Privileges
      • Golf or Clubhouse Privileges
      • Non-Resident Privileges – Tennis
    • Junior Members
      • Golf Privileges for Juniors
      • Tennis Privileges for Juniors
    • Membership Categories
      • Category Codes
      • Grandfathered Categories
  • Other Policies
    • Insurance Policy
    • Video Surveillance Policy
      • Purpose of Video Security Surveillance
      • Collection and Use of Video Security Footage
      • Retention and Destruction of Video Security Footage
      • Unauthorized Access, Use or Disclosure
      • Access by Shaughnessy Members or Visitors to Shaughnessy
    • Privacy Policy
      • Collection, Use & Disclosure of Personal Information
      • Security of Member’s Information
      • Accessing Member’s Personal Information
      • Use of Club’s Website
      • Use of Cookies
      • Links
      • Retention of Information
    • Non-Solicitation Policy
      • Policy Purpose
      • Definition
      • Breach of Policy
    • Disciplinary Policy
      • Policy Purpose
      • Definition
      • Breach of Policy
      • Terms of Suspension and/or Expulsion
    • Member and Employee Fraternization Policy
    • Social Media and Content Creation Policy
      • Policy Purpose
      • Usage and Content Creation

Club Rules and Information


The following rules are to assist in the enjoyment of the Club for all Members; these rules are enforced by the Club staff on behalf of the Board of Directors. Please note that these rules are subject to updates and changes; upon such changes, the rules will be communicated to Members and posted on the Club’s website.

The Club’s Code of Conduct provides guidance for all Club Rules; the most recent copy of the Code of Conduct can be found on the Club’s website.

In times of emergency, members are expected to comply with guidelines provided by relevant authorities, such as the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC). Future emergency protocol changes will be posted on the Member Dashboard on the Club website and circulated to Members via email.


All Guests are required to be registered by a Member. A Member may register their guest at the following areas: the Golf Shop, the Tennis Centre Front Desk or the Host Stand in the upper Clubhouse entrance hall.

Members are responsible for their guests and are expected to advise them of the Club Rules, most importantly the Club Dress Code and Phone Policy, before they arrive on the Club property. Guests are not permitted to use the dining facilities without the presence of a Member unless permitted by the General Manager.


Hand-to-hand tipping of the Club’s staff is not permitted; Members are subject to a staff gratuity billed to their Shaughnessy monthly membership statements semi-annually in June and November.

Member Feedback

At no time should a Member reprimand another Member for a perceived breach of any Club Rules. Members are encouraged to report breaches of any Club Rules to the General Manager or the General Manager and relevant department head.

Club employees shall not be subject to reprimand by Members. All Member feedback shall be made in writing (print or email) to the General Manager or the General Manager and relevant department head and signed by the Member.

Club Communications

Weekly eNews and Text Message Updates

New updates on matters such as changes to golf/tennis policies, closures, member events, Golf Shop promotions and tournaments will be communicated via the weekly eNews. Members of the Club may subscribe to the Club’s text messaging system to receive key information and updates from the Club right to their mobile device. To subscribe to Shaughnessy text messaging, please click here.

Daily Lineup Email

Members who have booked tee times on the course shall receive any relevant updates or announcements through the daily lineup email on the day of the tee time booked.

The Green Monthly Newsletter

The Shaughnessy Green is a monthly newsletter containing announcements, reports and updates from the Club President, General Manager, and all departments, including but limited to Golf, Tennis, and Food & Beverage departments. New editions are published at the beginning of the month and can be found with the monthly Member statements or on the Club’s website.

Website and Website Access

Members can utilize the Club’s website in a number of ways, such as booking tee times, checking the member roster, posting scores, and accessing the club calendar for upcoming events. Please contact our Marketing and Communications Coordinator Adam Markus at amarkus@shaughnessy.org for assistance with logging into the website if you are having issues.

In Memoriam Notices

In memoriam notices will be posted in the Clubhouse for current Members who have passed, and such notice will be posted for one week or until the day following the deceased Member’s celebration of life, if applicable. A notice will also be posted on the Club’s website and will be added to the week’s eNews. The flag will also be lowered for one week following a Member’s passing.

Please note that it is the Club’s practice to receive permission from a family member prior to notifying the membership of a member’s passing. In some cases, a delay may be requested by the family which delays notifying the membership.

Member Account Policy

It is the responsibility of Members to review their Shaughnessy monthly membership statement promptly to ensure that all charges billed to the account are complete, accurate and have been authorized. A member’s account will be deemed to be complete, accurate and authorized 60 days after the date of issuance unless the Member otherwise advises the Senior Accountant or the Director of Finance in writing prior to the end of the 60-day period.

It Is the Member’s responsibility, whether out of town or lacking adequate mail or email service, to ensure their account is settled within the time stipulated by the Board (the last day of each month on which the bill is distributed). Accounts not paid in full by the last day of the month will be assessed late charge penalties, plus interest at a rate of 1.5% per month.

Notices (Red Cards) will be sent out when a Member’s account is delinquent at 30 days. If the account is not paid in response to the Red Card within the month (60 days overdue), a Notice to Post is sent. If still not paid in response to the Notice to Post within the month (90 days overdue), the Member’s name will be posted in the Men’s and Ladies’ Locker Rooms, which results in account suspension and complete loss of Club Privileges until the account is paid in full. Upon posting, the Member is required to provide Pre-Authorized Payment information for their account to be re-activated. If the account remains unpaid (120 days overdue), the Board of Directors may expel the Member from the Club. An administration fee will be charged for returned cheques and rejected pre-authorized payments.

Members can settle their accounts by the following methods:

  • Through your bank’s online banking portal, by selecting Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club as a payee and using your member number as your account number.
  • Through direct deposit, by providing the Club with your banking information (to complete this form, please contact membersar@shaughnessy.org).
  • Through cheque, mailed to Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club, Attention: Accounts Receivable; cheques may also be dropped off at the Administrative Office.
  • Through credit card via Plastiq – a third-party provider. Please note that payments made through Plastiq are subject to a small fee charged by the provider.

Clubhouse Rules

Business and Technology

Cellular phones, tablets, and laptops are not to be used anywhere on Club property except in the case of a medical emergency or in the following areas:

  • Parking Lot
  • Designated Phone Booths
  • Club’s Private Meeting Rooms

However, personal handheld devices may be used for non-verbal, discrete, and silent information purposes.

Business papers, briefcases, and business meeting materials are not permitted in the Sequoia Room, A.V. Macan Lounge, Garden Lounge, 19th Hole or Tennis Centre unless permitted by the General Manager. Members may make advance arrangements with the Director of Catering and Club Events for the use of a private room for business purposes. The use of private rooms are subject to availability and applicable fees.


Smoking of any tobacco or cannabis products, including the use of vaping devices, is prohibited in all Club buildings and on all patios at all times. Any of the above activities on Club property must not have any impact on the enjoyment of another Member or staff on a patio or in a service area. If your activity is impacting another person, a staff member has the delegated authority to ask you to move or cease smoking.


With the exception of guide and service dogs, animals are not permitted on Club property.


Gambling, as defined by applicable laws, is not permitted on Club Property. For more information, please visit: https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/02014_01

Personal Music

No personal music via speakers is to be played in the Clubhouse or on adjacent patios.

Area Restrictions

Gender-Restricted Areas

Men’s and Ladies’ Locker Rooms are gender restricted.

All patios are gender-neutral at all times except for the 19th Hole and Garden Lounge Patios during Wednesday Men’s Nights and certain other Club functions. Such events and their restrictions will be advertised in advance of the event date.

Junior Member Areas

Junior Members and junior guests under nineteen (19) years of age are not permitted in the A.V. Macan Lounge, 19th Hole, Garden Lounge, nor in the Men’s and Ladies’ locker rooms; However, juniors are encouraged to use the Junior Locker Room in Jack’s First Tee Lounge, Sequoia Room and Halfway House. Juniors and junior guests are permitted to use the A.V. Macan Lounge only when the Sequoia Room is closed.

General Dress Code Policy

All Members and Guests are required to respect the Club’s dress code and maintain a level of dress appropriate for a private club.

The Board of Directors has instructed management to bring any Rules violations to the attention of the Member immediately, including violations made by invited guests. Anyone who does not take corrective action to address the violation in question will be denied service. All such violations will be reported to the General Manager.


Members and guests are expected to wear tidy and appropriate attire in the various Club areas (course, courts, fitness, clubhouse, etc.).

Denim appropriate for a private club and in good repair – without any rips, tears, frayed ends or holes, and worn appropriately – is permitted. Denim is not permitted on the golf course, tennis courts, or practice areas.

Club Property

Not Acceptable anywhere on Club Property
  • Beach wear, including board shorts and visible partial or full bathing suits or bathing-suit-style attire
  • Cargo shorts and pants (signified by gusseted pockets)
  • Caps and clothing bearing logos, emblems, slogans, numbers and illustrations not related to golf or tennis
  • Hats and caps with peaks worn backwards
  • Collarless t-shirts
  • Halter-style tops, tank tops, bare midriffs
  • Shorts, skorts or skirts shorter than mid-thigh length, including if worn over tights.

Lower Floor of the Clubhouse

Attire worn on the Golf Course or Tennis Courts is acceptable. Please note that Fitness Centre attire is only suitable for the walk to and from the Fitness Centre to the Locker Rooms.

For specific Dining, Golf and Tennis Dress Codes, please proceed to each respective section.


Dining Privileges

All active membership categories are entitled to use the Club’s dining facilities, Jack’s First Tee Lounge and the Halfway House, including the ability to reserve for special events.

Guests for Dining

Members are responsible for their guests and are expected to advise them of the Club Rules, most importantly the Club Dress Code and Phone Policy before they arrive on the Club property. Guests are not permitted to make dining reservations and use the dining facilities without the presence of a Member unless permitted by the General Manager.

Accompanied guests who choose to cover the cost of their own dining experience by credit card payment will be subject to a 20% service fee.

Dress Code for the Upper Floor of the Clubhouse

Dining Areas, Banquet Rooms and Adjacent Patios

Not Acceptable:
  • Fitness attire
  • Collarless t-shirts
  • Hooded sweatshirts (with the exception of golf-branded hooded sweatshirts)
  • Towels

Hats, visors and other headgear are not permitted to be worn inside the Upper Clubhouse but may be worn on all patio areas.

Upon completion of their activities, golf and tennis Members and their guests are expected to refresh themselves, which includes changing into a fresh, dry outfit when appropriate. Warm-up pants and jackets or sweaters are required for those wearing tennis attire, except during the warm weather season (April – September, prior to 5:00 p.m. each day).

Special Events

Where special events permit clothing that differs from the dress code, these occasions will be clearly advertised to Members through the monthly Green newsletter, website or sign-up methods.

Making a Dining Reservation

Members can make dining reservations up to 30 days in advance through the Club’s private OpenTable portal. The portal can be easily accessed through the Club’s website and mobile app, or by clicking here.

Please click here for detailed instructions on how to make a reservation. Please note that you are still able to make dining reservations by phone. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Host Stand at 604.264.5249.

Dining Service Charge

Groups of 16 and over dining in the restaurants are subject to a 20% service charge.

Dining Reciprocals

The following seven clubs have reciprocal dining agreements with Shaughnessy:

– Capilano Golf and Country Club – 604.922.9331
– Marine Drive Golf Club – 604.261.8111
– Point Grey Golf and Country Club – 604.266.7171
– Vancouver Golf Club – 604.936.3404
– Royal Colwood Golf and Country Club – 250.478.8331
– Victoria Golf Club – 250.598.4321
– Toronto Hunt Club – 416.691.3118

Accounts from the listed reciprocal Clubs may be charged back to the visiting member’s home club account; an administration fee will be assessed. Members of clubs not included on this list may not dine at Shaughnessy unless accompanied by a current Shaughnessy Member. Charge-back privileges to home clubs are restricted to members of those clubs listed above and are subject to a service fee if applicable.

Members must call the host club for reservations for dining on an “as available” basis. Presentation of a valid membership card may be required. Reciprocity is extended only to the Member.

Special Member Events


Members will be notified of special events as appropriately and timely as possible via the Green newsletter, the online calendar, the Club’s website, and via email. The Sequoia Room, A.V. Macan Lounge and the 19th Hole are reserved for Member use, with the exception of special events advertised in advance.


All reservations for special events must be made using a Member number. Those Members making reservations on behalf of their group must provide the names and member numbers of all parties included in the reservation. If not provided, all charges incurred for the event will be billed to the Member making the reservation.

No-Show and Cancellation Policy

A no-show charge of 100% of the price—per person—will be levied on no shows for internal events. A cancellation charge of $40—per person—will be levied on those who cancel within 48-hours of their reservation.

For all groups of over 16 people, there will be an additional 20% service fee, and advance cancellation will be required, 5 days in advance to avoid a cancellation fee. For cancellations within 5 days of the reservation, a cancellation fee of $40—per person—will apply.

Small Groups – Room Rental Fee

All events that require a private room, regardless of size, are subject to a room rental fee. Room rental fees may be waived for milestone member events such as Celebration of Life, and 80th/90th birthday parties, etc.

Member Billing

Chits and Consumption

All food, bar, and other charges may be signed for on chits. A copy of the chit is available from the server upon request.

All food and beverages consumed at the Club must be obtained from the Club.

Minimum Food Charges

Minimum Food Charges (MFC’s) are intended to stimulate interest in and promote the use of the Club’s food facilities. The food portion for all dining, take-out and any special events will be counted towards the minimum food charges but not alcohol or beverage purchases. All Members are subject to MFC’s with the exception of Non-Resident, Junior, Honourary, Absentee, and Life Members.

To assist Members and permit flexibility of use, the MFC is administered on a calendar quarterly basis, with calendar quarters assigned based on the first letter of your last name as follows:

Surname begins with 1st Quarter 2nd  Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
A-F Nov/Dec/Jan Feb/Mar/Apr May/Jun/July Aug/Sep/Oct
G-N Dec/Jan/Feb Mar/Apr/May Jun/July/Aug Sep/Oct/Nov
O-z Jan/Feb/Mar Apr/May/Jun July/Aug/Sep Oct/Nov/Dec

The calendar quarter assignment helps evenly distribute the demand for our dining facilities and assist the Club’s staff to provide consistently high-quality service to the Members. It is the responsibility of the Members to ensure the MFC is used during the quarter.

Members will be provided with a monthly MFC summary on their Shaughnessy monthly membership statement to assist Members in knowing their MFC spending. The statement will carry the following information: Minimum Food Spending Requirement (quarterly), Spent to Date, Balance to Spend and To be Spent by Date. In addition, minimum food balance reminders will be sent at the beginning of the last month of the respective Member’s quarter. MFC’s applicable to new Members, deaths, and resignations will be prorated for the period in that quarter.

A Member has the option of deferring one quarter to another quarter, but only once in any twelve-month period. This notice must be received in writing by the Club, in advance of the quarter to be deferred, or by email to membersar@shaughnessy.org. No amount spent on food during the deferred quarter will be applied against any future MFC’s.

Members may combine the MFC from the account of one family member with another. This request may be made by email to membersar@shaughnessy.org.

Liquor Policy

As a commercial host and operator of a licensed premise, the Club owes a duty of care to our Members and guests, and is required to take steps to prevent any intoxicated Members or guests from pursuing a course of conduct that is harmful to themselves, other Members and their guests, staff, or the public. Reasonable steps are being taken to limit the Club’s potential liability relating to excess consumption of alcohol on Club premises. Club management and staff have the full support of the Board of Directors in enforcing the following policy:

  • Liquor will be served in strict accordance with the Liquor Control and Licensing Act of British Columbia Particular attention is considered to the following portions of the Act:
    • A person must not sell or give liquor to an intoxicated person or a person apparently under the influence of liquor.
    • A licensee or the licensee’s employee must not permit:
      • a person to become intoxicated, or;
      • an intoxicated person to remain in that part of a licensed establishment where liquor is sold, served or otherwise supplied.
  • All serving staff are trained in the “Serving It Right” program under the BC Liquor Control and Licensing Branch, including ongoing training at the Club regarding the Club’s liquor policy. Equivalent programs from other jurisdictions are recognized as well.
  • Any Member or Guest of the Club who is or becomes intoxicated will be refused service, and Club Management or their staff will request and assist the Member or Guest in leaving the Club in a safe mode of transportation. Club Management or their staff are required to ask for the Member’s or Guest’s car keys to ensure compliance.
  • If the Member or Guest does not have a designated driver, then Club Management or their staff can arrange for a taxi or alternative driving service. The charge for a taxi may be charged back to the Member’s Shaughnessy account.
  • All liquor consumed on the premises is to be served by a Shaughnessy staff member.
  • Members may bring a bottle of wine to enjoy with their meal. A corkage fee per bottle of wine ($20 per bottle) will be levied. If the bottle is not fully consumed during the meal, the bottle can be taken by the Member or Guest provided a member of Shaughnessy staff re-seals it. The Member, if driving, is then responsible to ensure that the sealed bottle is not readily accessible to anyone in the vehicle while driving.
  • Club Management and their staff are instructed to notify the General Manager of any Member or Guest who does not comply with this policy. All incidents will be documented in an incident report and are subject to review following the procedure of the Club’s Disciplinary Policy.
  • Members are responsible for the conduct of their Guests and may be disciplined for the actions of their Guests in accordance with this policy.
  • Staff are instructed to report any abusive behaviour arising out of the enforcement of this policy to the General Manager. The General Manager is authorized to make any further report to the Board of Directors, with any recommendations as to discipline of the Member that the General Manager thinks appropriate.

Wine Purchases

On occasion, the Club receives special select wine offerings from distributors. Purchases of these select items are only available for consumption in-house.

Wine Margin Policy

As a member benefit, all wine bottles sold at the Club from our current wine list are subject to a $20 mark-up from cost.


Golf Tee Time Requests at Other Clubs

Please note that the Club does not have any formal golf reciprocal privileges with any private clubs other than the following three. All golf tee time requests may be arranged by Shaughnessy’s Director of Golf for the following clubs at their respective accompanied guest rates:

Royal Colwood Golf Club
Victoria Golf Club
Toronto Hunt Club

Golf Dress Code

Accepted Attire on the Golf Course and Golf Practice Areas

  • Collared shirts, tucked in at all times
  • Full-length slacks, plus fours with stockings and Bermuda-style shorts, no shorter than three inches (3”) above the knee
  • Golf shirts with sleeves and collars, turtlenecks or mock necks; all must be tucked in
  • Golf sandals, with or without socks
  • Golf-branded hooded sweatshirts
  • Tailored slacks, capris pants, plus fours, Bermuda shorts, skirts or dresses no shorter than mid-thigh length
  • Shirts with collar and/or sleeves

Not acceptable on the Golf Course and Golf Practice Areas

  • Hard spikes
  • Fitness attire, including sweatpants, yoga-style pants and athletic shorts
  • Non-golf-branded Hooded “hoodie” sweatshirts (hoods are acceptable on outerwear)
  • Any clothing bearing a corporate logo that is not associated with golf, including sports team logos
  • Exercise pants not intended for golf, including yoga-style pants
  • Socks may not be folded over, rolled down or saggy

Online Tee Time Reservation System

Using the Online Tee Time Reservation System is a simple and convenient way to book your tee time using the Club’s website, you will need to register using your first name, last name, and member number. Please call the Administrative Office at 604-266-4141 if you experience any difficulties with registration.

Once logged in to the Members’ Only section of the Club’s website, click on the “Book Tee Times” link on the Dashboard. Step-by-step instructions are provided to guide you through the system. If you experience difficulty booking, please call the Golf Shop during regular hours. Members can also book tee times through the Shaughnessy App, available for download through the App Store or Google Play.

Members should note:

The Club uses a tee time lottery system whereby lottery requests can be made eight (8) days in advance via the Club’s website or by contacting the Golf Shop.

  • A tee time lottery request can be completed until 12:00 p.m. (noon), three days in advance of the day chosen for golf.
  • TBD’s are not permitted in the lottery.
  • Based on the tee time lottery, all-Member groups have priority, Member groups with one guest have priority over groups with two guests; Member groups with two guests have priority over groups with three guests.

Golf Rules

All Members with golfing privileges must complete an orientation with the Director of Membership before they are permitted to use the golf facilities, including the practice areas.

All golfers are asked to check in with the Golf Shop or Back Shop prior to commencing play (from either 1st or 10th tees) or proceeding to the driving range. Under no circumstance is play to commence at the 10th tee without the permission of the Golf Shop.

Any Member booking a tee time or golf lesson is required to inform the Golf Shop of any cancellations or changes to that tee time or lesson. Failure to do so may result in a reduction or suspension of golf privileges. There will be no play prior to the first official tee time of the day unless authorized by the Director of Golf.

Power Carts, Push Carts and Electric Push Carts

Members and guests must obey signs and observe Golf Cart rules and regulations. Power carts, push carts and electric push carts must never be taken up to the apron area of any tee, bunker or penalty area. All types of Golf Carts must not be taken or placed between bunkers and greens. Power Carts must enter and exit the fairways using our green and white post system. In severe wet conditions, Power Carts may be instructed to remain on the cart paths and not travel onto the fairways.

Failure to abide by this policy may result in the suspension of Golf Cart privileges.

Juniors are not allowed to rent or operate a Power Cart. Junior Members nineteen (19) and over who hold a valid driver’s license are permitted to rent and operate a Power Cart.

Children should never sit on the cart operator’s lap nor should they steer a Power Cart.

Members and Guests are permitted to use their own push carts and electric push carts provided they have been approved by the Director of Golf or a member of the Professional staff. All other Members and Guests requiring a push cart are asked to use the push carts provided by the Club.

Golf Club, Push Cart and Electric Push Cart Storage

All Members must inform the Golf Shop staff of any additions, cancellations, or changes to their Golf Club, Push Cart and Electric Push Cart Storage. All Members are required to sign a change or cancellation form in-person or send an email request to membersar@shaughnessy.org before billing will be stopped or amended. Golf club storage is a mandatory fee for all Golfing Members and is billed monthly as a “Pro Shop Service” fee. Golf club storage is optional for Clubhouse, Tennis, and Non-Resident Members.

Medical Power Cart Program

This policy is in effect annually, subject to ground conditions.

During the months of November to March, power carts will be bound to cart paths only, unless authorized by the Course Superintendent where it is typically communicated in the daily lineup. There will be no exceptions due to soft “off-season” ground conditions.

Members must sign and agree to our Medical power cart program and return the form to the Golf Shop. On the day of play, the Back Shop will prepare a blue flag on the cart being used by the Medical Power Cart Program participant.

Medical Power Cart users may share their Medical Power Cart with another passenger under the stipulation that the passenger pays for a shared ride. Only those individuals that have a medical issue and have been approved for the Medical Power Cart Program may proceed closer to the green.

Members who participate in the Medical Power Cart program are permitted to use their carts for 9-hole rounds – their cart pass will be updated accordingly.

Members are reminded to reserve a power cart when booking a tee time. The Back Shop staff will allocate pre-booked power carts first; remaining power carts will be available on a first-come, first-served basis on the day of play.

Members may drive within the current power cart white or green-top stake procedure, allowing them to gain closer access to the putting surfaces. However, maintaining a safe distance from the greens is highly important to avoid damage.

The Course Superintendent reserves the right to determine, under extreme weather-related situations, the restriction of all power cart usage, including Medical Power Cart usage.

Medical Power Cart Cost

All Medical Power Cart riders will be charged prevailing power cart fees, less 25%.


Members are requested to maintain a current and accurate handicap by entering all scores. The Golf Captains and the Handicap Committee have the authority to set tournament posting requirements as well as review all handicaps prior to tournaments, which may result in a Member handicap adjustment prior to the event.

Handicaps may be posted online through the Club’s website or app, or through the Golf Canada website or app.

Tournament Handicap Eligibility Policy

If members wish to compete in club events at Shaughnessy, they are required to have a current and accurate handicap. Our Handicap Committee has an expectation that members post all scores. The Committee will be running audits throughout the season and if you are under the minimum posting percentage of 80%, one of the Handicap Chairs will reach out to you individually. You may require a handicap adjustment or you may not be eligible to play until your minimum posting percentage is met.

Event Eligibility

All Members may participate in Golf events, subject to the event’s terms of competition and requirements included in the event’s registration. Members with “professional” golf status are permitted to compete in events based on net score only and with an established handicap; in events with a “no strokes” format, they are not permitted to compete. Members who do not post their scores throughout the season may be assigned a handicap for events.

Tournament Cancellation Policy

Members must cancel forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the tournament start time. All cancellations within forty-eight (48) hours of the tournament start time will be charged the tournament entry fee unless Professional staff are able to fill the vacated spot.

Pace of Play

All golfers should complete their rounds in a reasonable amount of time. Certain changes may be implemented during the year to maintain the established time standards for the enjoyment of all. To help make everyone’s game enjoyable, Members and guests should be aware of the following etiquette:

  • It is the group’s responsibility to keep up with the group in front of them; situations where a foursome is following a threesome or a twosome will be considered.
  • The Club has been pace-rated by the Golf Activities Committee at four (4) hours and five (5) minutes for an 18-hole round of golf per foursome.
  • The first tee time of the day must be played in a minimum of three (3) hours. This is to ensure adequate time for course maintenance and course setup.
  • Groups in the first hour on weekends and holidays are subjected to a three (3) hour and forty-five (45) minutes pace of play.

It should be emphasized that the four (4) hour and five (5) minute time mentioned above to complete a round is a maximum.

Players should be ready to play as soon as it is their turn to play. When approaching the green, place your cart to the side or rear of the green, where indicated. Try to stand behind your ball on the green and line up your putt while others are putting. When you have all holed out, immediately vacate the green; marking your scorecard can wait until you are off the green.

Pace of Play Complaint Procedure

  • Complaints regarding slow pace of play may be made by any person including members, guests (if permitted), and staff.
  • Complaints may be made in writing via comment card, email, or verbal, to the Golf Shop Professional Staff of Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club. Complaints must be received the day that the slow pace of play is observed.
  • Once received, the Director of Golf will investigate the complaint and determine appropriate action based on the discipline guidelines outlined below.


The disciplinary measures employed in cases of slow pace of play will be as follows:

  • First documented offence: the member will be contacted by the Director of Golf and receive a verbal warning.
  • Second documented offence: the member will receive a written warning in the form of a letter from their respective Golf Captain.
  • Third documented offence: the member’s history of offences will be relayed to the Executive Committee for review and consideration of discipline as per the Club’s Disciplinary Policy.

Frost Delays

In the event of a frost delay, the Course Superintendent will communicate to the Golf Shop staff what time the golf course will open. Priority on the tee will go to the group that has the next tee time booked, once the course opens. All golfers booked in earlier times will have to re-book a later tee time and will not have priority once the course opens for play.


When rakes are in use for bunkers, they are to be placed outside the bunker parallel to the hole being played.

Walkers, Riders and Caddies

Walkers, riders and caddies are not permitted unless approved in advance by the Director of Golf.

Singleton Play

As a single, Members may book online through the tee time reservation system. Members may also call the Golf Shop to book their name into an open time once the draw has been made or to simply add their name to any group where there is an opening. However, please note that only at the discretion of the Golf Shop, will singles be permitted to commence play off the first tee. Every effort will be made to add singles’ names to another group on the tee sheet.

Golfing Guests

Guests residing in Vancouver, or within one hundred sixty (160) kilometres thereof may be introduced for no more than two rounds per month, or for not more than six (6) rounds in any calendar year.

Out-of-Town Guests residing more than 160 kilometres from Vancouver, accompanied by a Member, may play at regular guest times at accompanied rates, at a maximum of six (6) rounds in any calendar year. Out of Town Guests (more than 160 kilometres) (unaccompanied) with proper Club affiliations or sponsored by a Member may play at times given by the Director of Golf at unaccompanied rates; a maximum of six (6) days in any calendar year.

Golf with Tennis and Golf Members are permitted to bring guests during all permitted guest times. Please note that some events are gender-specific.

Junior/Intermediate Members are restricted to bring one guest only per tee time.

Clubhouse Members and Tennis Members are permitted to introduce guests to the golf course at times allocated to Clubhouse Members and Tennis Members.

Golfing Guest Policy and Privileges

A member will only be permitted to introduce a total of twenty-four (24) guest rounds annually, and the same guest may be introduced to the Club no more than six (6) times per year.

From April 1st to Septemebr 30th:
– A three-to-one (3:1) guest to member ratio will only be permitted on Mondays and Tuesdays.
– A one-to-one (1:1) guest to member ratio will be permitted from Wednesday to Sunday, after 10:00 a.m., with the exception of Wednesday morning prior to Men’s Night.
– However, members may bring three (3) guests per member any day after 10:00 a.m. if those guests are immediate family members of the hosting member (spouses, children (either natural or adopted) and their spouses, parents, siblings, and grandchildren). If two members were to sign up two guests outside of a Monday, and one member cancels, the second guest will be subject to a guest rate of $395.

October 1 through March 30:
– Golfing Guests are permitted at any time

Please note that groups composed of only members will continue to have priority in the lottery.

Guest Payment Policy

All guest fees and power cart fees will be billed directly to the Member’s account, upon checking in your guests with the Golf Shop. Individual payment via credit or debit card for green fees and power cart fees will not be accepted.

Please note, credit and debit cards can be accepted as a method of payment for guest purchases on merchandise in the Golf Shop.

Advance Guest Booking Privileges

Please note that until further notice, advance guest booking privileges are not available.

This policy was introduced in order to accommodate Members who may wish to bring one to three (1-3) guests, and need to bypass the lottery due to meetings, flights, dinner arrangements, etc.

Each Member may book one (1) advance guest tee time in advance throughout the calendar year. Bookings can be made directly with the Director of Golf.

No Member is permitted to use a family Member’s or a fellow Member’s unused advance guest booking privileges. Please note that the advanced guest booked tee time must fall within the days and times of play allowed for by their membership category, and must align with the current golfing guest policy. The Director of Golf has the authority to limit the total number of advanced guest booked tee times on a specific day.

Family-Related Guests

Family-related guests may play only once per quarter at the Family rate. Family-related members, for this purpose, are defined as spouses, children (either natural or adopted) and their spouses (son or daughter-in-law), parents, siblings and grandchildren of a Shaughnessy Member.

Guest Cancellation Policy

Members will be responsible for green fee charges of guests, accompanied or unaccompanied, who do not arrive for their reserved tee time. Please be sure to amend your tee time through the reservation system or the Golf Shop as soon as you are aware of any changes.


Tennis at Other Clubs

Shaughnessy only has reciprocal privileges with The Toronto Lawn Tennis Club. Shaughnessy Members should present a letter of introduction to The Toronto Lawn Tennis Club from Shaughnessy’s Director of Tennis.

Tennis Dress Code

Accepted Attire on the Tennis Courts

  • White clothes, with no more than ten percent (10%) coloured imprints for trim
  • Non-marking tennis-specific footwear (may include colour)
  • Sweaters, warm-up suits and headwear may be white or coloured; coloured items must be removed within twenty (20) minutes

Please note that Tennis Events with differing dress codes will be advertised as such in the Green and on the Shaughnessy website.

Not Acceptable on the Tennis Courts

  • T-shirts, street clothing, non-tennis athletic wear, clothing in poor, torn or soiled condition or clothing deemed inappropriate or offensive by Club Management
  • Sleeveless shirts

Tennis Court Booking Rules


Every person playing on an indoor or outdoor court must register before entering the court area. If one of the players is a non-Member, that guest must be registered by the Shaughnessy Member accompanying them. Registration is necessary even if players intend to use a vacant court.

Court Reservation System

The basis for the rules of play is the reservation system.

Reservations will be accepted up to seven days before the scheduled time.

Reservations will be accepted at the Tennis Centre by telephone on (604) 266-9165 or text to (236) 878-4320, or in person from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Players may only have a maximum of three (3) reservations on the Tennis Centre Reservation Board at any one time – any player playing on a reserved court may have only one other reservation on the Reservation Board.

The following do not count as a reservation: Ladies’ Day; Men’s Night; lessons; the use of open court (non-reserved) time.

The practice court is the Pro Court. When not in use by the professional for lessons, this court is available for booking as an open court.

The Ball Machine can be booked in non-prime time for a $5 fee. It may only be booked the day-of.

The office and Tennis Pro Shop in the Tennis Centre opens at 8:30 a.m. and closes at 9:00 pm on weekdays and opens at 9:00 a.m. and closes at 5:00 pm on the weekends.

Back-to-Back Courts

Members can book back-to-back courts during non-prime time, which consists of weekdays up until 6:00 p.m. and after 8:30 p.m., and weekends after 1:00 p.m. There must be at least two (2) Members included in the booking, and those bookings must be for doubles play only. The players involved must play for at least for two (2) hours of the booking.

Open and Vacant Courts

An open court or vacant court occurs when:

  1. a court has not been reserved prior to playing time, or;
  2. participants do not show within 15 minutes after the scheduled commencement time.

Priority for the vacant court is on a first-come first-served basis. However, players who have already played that day may not use a vacant court if others are waiting.


When necessary, cancellations of reservations are encouraged. Out of courtesy to fellow Members, please cancel courts which will not be used as early as possible.


Any court reserved for singles play may substitute only one player; any court reserved for doubles play may substitute only two players.


Violations of the following rules are subject to review by the Tennis Committee:

  • Failing to register prior to play;
  • Failing to sign in guests prior to play;
  • Not showing up for a reserved court (unless cancelled prior to the scheduled time);
  • Simultaneously playing on a reserved court and having a reservation for three (3) future sessions on the Board. In such a situation, the second reservation will automatically be removed from the Board.
  • Having more than three (3) reservations on the Board at one time – each player has the responsibility of ensuring that they are not violating any of the reservation rules;
  • Failing to comply with the Dress Code;
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct on the courts;
  • Lack of cooperation with those charged with enforcing these rules.

Such violations may be subject to further review as per the Club’s Disciplinary Policy.

Tennis Guests

Guests residing in Vancouver, or within one-hundred-sixty (160) kilometres thereof, may be introduced not more than one day in any month, and not more than twelve (12) days in any calendar year. A Member is entitled to introduce up to three guests. A Member wishing to introduce more than the allowed number of three guests may do so through the Tennis Professional.

Out of Town Guests, residing more than one-hundred-sixty (160) kilometres from Vancouver, accompanied by a Member, may play at times given by the Tennis Professional at the accompanied rate a maximum of fourteen (14) days in any calendar year.

Out of Town Guests, more than one-hundred-sixty (160) kilometres from Vancouver, unaccompanied but sponsored by a Member, or with proper Club affiliation, may play at times given by the Tennis Professional at an unaccompanied rate a maximum of fourteen (14) days in any calendar year.

Tennis Guest Policy

The Tennis Guest Policy is subject to change. The most recent guest policy will be communicated through the Club’s weekly eNews.


Fitness Centre Rules


The Fitness Centre is open daily from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Reservations are not required.


Guests are prohibited from using the Fitness Centre.

Dress Code

Proper fitness clothing, and athletic footwear with socks are required for use of the Fitness Centre. A ‘cover up’ or fresh, dry outfit is required prior to using any other area of the Club after using the Fitness Centre. Please do not change in the Fitness Centre.

Personal Training

Personal Training is a program that is offered by the Club at the Fitness Centre. These programs of fitness and health are custom-made to fit your personal needs and goals, based on a careful and complete analysis of your lifestyle and abilities and delivered to you by experienced fitness professionals.

There are various personal training packages available to meet your individual needs, including private, semi–private and group packages.

Floor work and reformer work is available. Fitness appraisals for both personal training and Pilates are available. Gift certificates are available throughout the year and can be customized to meet your needs.

For those interested in personal training at the Club, contact one of our knowledgeable Fitness Trainers

  • Randy Lam, Fitness & Weight Training Specialist – randy.rhlinc@gmail.com
  • Celeste Lyon, Pilates, Rehabilitation and Integrative Movement Specialist – celeste.e.lyon@gmail.com

For more information about our current Fitness Trainers, please visit the Fitness page of the Club’s website.


Junior Members must have a fitness program developed by one of the Shaughnessy personal trainers, or have their current program reviewed prior to being eligible to use the Fitness Centre. Junior Members under the age of 16 must be either with a trainer or supervised by a parent. Shaughnessy Fitness Trainers can be contacted at the information above.

Member Privileges


Golfing Members are given priority for lockers; Clubhouse Members and Tennis Members are able to register for half lockers in the Clubhouse locker rooms should lockers become available. All Members must inform the Locker Room Attendants if they wish to change or cancel their locker, and must sign a change or cancellation form in-person or send an email request to membersar@shaughnessy.org before billing will be stopped or amended.

Golfing Privileges

Full Golfing Privileges

Daily – except during Men’s Night or Ladies’ Day, depending on Member’s gender.

Senior Golfing Privileges

May play at times permitted based on their category before becoming a Senior Golfing Member, except they may not play on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

Associate Golfing Privileges

Permitted to play at all times during the year, except for:

  • Between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Thursday & Friday (Apr. 1 – Oct. 31)
  • Prior to 12:00 p.m. Saturday (Apr. 1 – Oct. 31)
  • Prior to 10:30 a.m. Saturday (Nov. 1 – Mar. 31)
  • Prior to 10:30 a.m. Sundays and Holidays

Clubhouse and Tennis Privileges

Clubhouse Members and Tennis Members are permitted to play twelve (12) times in a calendar year but not more than twice per month. They may book tee times, only after the lottery is done three (3) days prior to the date of play, using the online tee time reservation system or by calling the Golf Shop.

Clubhouse Members and Tennis Members may play any time after 3:00 p.m., Apr. 1 – Oct. 31 (no time restrictions Nov. 1 to Mar. 31), upon payment of the special green fee which will be charged to their account.

Clubhouse Members and Tennis Members may also play as a guest of a golfing Member outside of restricted hours upon payment of the current accompanied guest fee, in accordance with standard guest policies. As a guest of a Golf Member, they may enjoy the same playing privileges guests receive. Rounds played as a guest will count towards the twelve (12) permitted games.

Clubhouse Members and Tennis Members are advised that participating in any Club event will constitute one of the twelve (12) permitted golf games in that calendar year. Applicable green fees to be charged. Clubhouse Members and Tennis Members are not permitted to play in club events unless authorized by the Golf Activities Committee.

Any Member found abusing these rules may be charged per round, retroactively.

Non-Resident Privileges – Golf

Non-Resident Members are those whose principal residence is outside of the Greater Vancouver area. Non-Resident Members who were formerly Golf with Tennis privileges Members or Golfing Members are entitled to six (6) complimentary rounds of golf per year (all tournament rounds count towards the 6 rounds). Non-Resident Members who were formerly Golf with Tennis privileges Members or Golfing Members may play an additional six (6) rounds annually at the current accompanied guest rate.

A Non-Resident Member who was formerly Golf with Tennis privileges Members or Golfing Members may use the driving range for a daily fee.

Non-resident Members will be asked to confirm their non-resident address on an annual basis.

Any Member who wishes to return to their previous category less than a year from electing to join the non-resident category will be billed the difference in dues and fees between the non-resident category and their original category for the period of time that the Member stayed in the non-resident category.

Any Member found abusing these rules may be charged the current unaccompanied guest fee per round, retroactively. It is the responsibility of the Non-Resident Member to register on arrival. Non-Resident Members are not permitted to introduce guests to the driving range unless they are signed in as green-fee-paying guests. Non-Resident Members exceeding the allowable rounds are permitted to play in Club events (space permitting) and will be charged the prevailing green fee rate as indicated in the schedule of fees.

Non-Resident Tennis and Clubhouse Members are not entitled to any golfing privileges.

Practicing for Golf

Players shall confine all practice activity to the designated practice areas: the driving range, the practice chipping and pitching greens and the practice putting green. Under no circumstance shall a player practice on the course, nor pitch to the practice putting green.

Clubhouse, Tennis, and Non-Resident Members may use the practice areas subject to the appropriate fee. Yearly passes are available by contacting the Director of Membership. Golfing Guests of Members have complimentary use of the – practice facilities when they are signed in as green-fee-paying guests and at all other times are subject to applicable fee.

Guests under the age of 21 can be introduced for a reduced applicable range fee of $10 and must be accompanied by a Member. Any children or grandchildren of Members with golfing privileges under the age of 10, must be accompanied by an adult at all times when using the practice facilities but are restricted to using the back practice tee and upper chipping and putting green only. The Director of Golf has the authority to adjust these junior rules based on weather, events or demand.

The practice facility opens thirty (30) minutes prior to the first daily tee time, throughout the season.

The driving range closes one (1) hour prior to sunset daily throughout the calendar year.

From April through September, the driving range closes at 5:00 p.m. on Sundays for weekly maintenance. During week’s including a holiday Monday, the range will close at 5:00 p.m. on that Monday and not on Sunday.

With rare exception, the above schedule of closing times may be adjusted due to weather and/or ground conditions.

Tennis Privileges

Tennis and Golf with Tennis Privileges

Permitted to play at all times.

Golf or Clubhouse Privileges

Golf or Clubhouse Members are permitted to play twelve (12) times in a calendar year, not more than once per week (Sunday to Saturday) upon payment of the appropriate court charge, which will be charged to their account.

Golf or Clubhouse Members may reserve a court up to 24 hours in advance.

Non-Resident Privileges – Tennis

Non-Resident Members who formerly had Tennis or Golf with Tennis Privileges may only play up to twelve (12) times a year. Non-Resident Golf are not entitled to any tennis privileges.

Junior Members

Junior Members are entitled to both Golf and Tennis privileges.

Golf Privileges for Juniors

Juniors may play as regular Members with the following restrictions in effect April 1 through September 30:

  1. On Monday and Tuesday, must play after 3:00 p.m.;
  2. On Wednesday, must play before 8:00 a.m. and after 4:00 p.m. or at the conclusion of Men’s Night tee times, whichever is later;
  3. On Thursday, Friday, and Sunday (including Holidays), must play before 8:00 a.m. and after 3:00 p.m.;
  4. Saturday, must play after 2:00 p.m.;
  5. Junior Members with a 10 handicap or less may be permitted to play in restricted hours if accompanied by an adult golfing Member. If the traffic on the course dictates, the Director of Golf may use their discretion and waive the above rules.
  6. All Junior Members must adhere to the Club Rules;
  7. All Junior Members are able to book tee times by telephone, online or in person, after 12:00 p.m. on the day prior to the day of play, and are subject to Junior playing time restrictions;
  8. Children and grandchildren of golf category Members that are not yet eligible to become junior Members (under the age of ten (10),) are permitted to use the golf course after 6:00 p.m. no more than twice a month provided they are supervised by an adult Member at all times.

Tennis Privileges for Juniors

Juniors are permitted to play Monday through Friday until 6:00 p.m. and starting at 1:00 p.m. on weekends. Juniors may be permitted to play at all times with approval from the Director of Tennis.

Membership Categories

The following categories are now in effect for membership:

  • Life
  • Honorary
  • Golfing with Tennis
  • Golfing
  • Senior
  • Tennis
  • Associate Golfing
  • Associate Golfing with Tennis
  • Clubhouse
  • Junior
  • Junior (Non-Related)
  • Intermediate
  • Extended Intermediate
  • Non-Resident
  • Corporate
  • Term Golfing with Tennis
  • Term Golfing
  • Term Associate Golfing with Tennis
  • Term Associate Golfing
  • Term Intermediate
  • Term Tennis
  • Term Clubhouse
  • Term Non-Resident
  • Term Corporate

Category Codes

Category billing codes have not changed, and are defined as follows:

Starts with M/G Male
Starts with L/F Female/Associate
Starts with A Leave of Absence
Ends with N Non-Resident
Ends with L Life Member
Contains H Honourary Member
Contains U Female Unrestricted
Contains Z Male Associate
Contains XF Golf with Tennis
Contains XGT Golf with Term Tennis
Contains XT Tennis
Contains AF Golf with Tennis (30-34)
Contains AT Tennis (30-34)
Contains BF Golf with Tennis (21-29)
Contains BT Tennis (21-29)
Contains XG Golf
Contains XJ Related Junior (10-20)
Contains AG Golf (30-34)
Contains CF/CM Clubhouse
Contains CTF/CTM Term Clubhouse
Contains NJ Non-related Junior (10-20)
Contains BG Golf (21-29)
Contains TG Term Golf
Contains TGT Term Golf with Non-term Tennis
Contains TF Term Golf with Tennis
Ends with TT Term Tennis

Grandfathered Categories

Further to the By-Law changes noted, the following categories are no longer available. Existing Members in these categories prior to the changes have been grandfathered.

XS Social
SS Senior Social
IF Intermediate Golf with Tennis (35-40)
IG Intermediate Golf (35-40)
IT Intermediate Tennis (35-40)
IAF Intermediate “A” Golf with Tennis (31-34)
IAG Intermediate “A” Golf (31-34)
IAT Intermediate “A” Tennis (31-34)
PIF Progressive Intermediate Golf with Tennis (26-30)
PIG Progressive Intermediate Golf (26-30)
PIT Progressive Intermediate Tennis (26-30)
PF Progressive Junior Golf with Tennis (21-25)
PG Progressive Junior Golf (21-25)
PT Progressive Junior Tennis (21-25)
IF/IM Intermediate (21-29)
SF Senior Golf with Tennis
SG Senior Golf
W Waiting for Golf

Other Policies

Insurance Policy

The following policy outlines the details of the Club’s insurance policy which directly impact the Membership.

  • Fire Insurance Regulations prohibit parking:
    • to the right of the approach to the main entrance of the Clubhouse (this area is a fire truck turn-around are, marked with the sign “No Parking – Fire”);
    • along exit routes.
  • The Club is not responsible for:
    • any loss of, or damage to, property of Members or Guests, or other persons, whether by fire, theft or otherwise, occurring on the Club’s property;
    • any damage or injury that Members, Guests or other persons may cause or incur while on the golf course, tennis courts, Fitness Centre, clubhouse or on the grounds; whether such loss, damage or injury occurs through the negligence of the Club, its employees or otherwise. This rule includes the operation of golf carts or other equipment which may be rented by Members and/or Guests. Members and/or Guests are responsible for any damage or injury done to or by rented golf carts or other equipment.
  • Coverage for Public Liability, Property Damage and Loss while on the Club’s property or premises is the responsibility of Members causing such loss or damage. Members are advised to ensure that insurance coverage is provided by their personal policies.

Video Surveillance Policy

The Club’s Video Surveillance Policy outlines the manner in which The Club collects, uses, retains, discloses and destroys video security footage recorded using on-premises video surveillance equipment installed on the grounds and in certain buildings on Shaughnessy property (the “Grounds”). The following table outlines the current locations of video cameras installed at Shaughnessy:

Main Entrance (Doorway)
Clubhouse Back Entrance (Doorway)
Cypress Room (Southwest Entrance Doorway)
Clubhouse Lower Lobby Doorway (Fitness Centre)
Loading Area (Inside) at Loading
Loading Area (Outside)
Tennis Centre Main Entrance
Pro Shop (North Entrance)
Pro Shop (East Entrance)
Bag Shop Entrances (2)
Golf Cart Storage Entry Path
Golf Course – 10th Tee
Golf Course – 18th Green
Clubhouse Lower Floor – Hallway towards Administrative Office
Clubhouse Lower Floor – Hallway towards back staircase (covers entry points to Men’s and Women’s Locker Rooms)
Outdoor Tennis Courts
Driving Range
Bag Drop
Property entrance – Main Gate
Course maintenance sheds
South Fitness Centre Entrance

Purpose of Video Security Surveillance

The Club uses video security surveillance to monitor the Grounds for the purpose of security, safety and protection of property (both Shaughnessy and Member property). The Club has installed video security surveillance cameras in the specified areas listed above to deter theft, trespassing and unauthorized access and to enhance the safety of Members and employees, and such installation serves to remind employees, Members and visitors to the Club of such purposes. In addition, video security surveillance cameras are used to record incidents involving unlawful activity and harm to people or property (including medical emergencies), in order to assist the Club and/or law enforcement agencies in their investigations. The Club has identified the above areas and focused locations as likely places for an incident to occur and as impractical to monitor efficiently by other means.

Collection and Use of Video Security Footage

Video security footage is recorded 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. The cameras do not record sound. The video security footage is not continuously monitored, but may be accessed by the General Manager or Controller, and service providers who provide services to the Club (only with permission by the Club) in one of the following circumstances:

  • To provide support to their investigation of an incident or reasonable suspicion of an incident involving the health or safety of Members, employees and visitors to Shaughnessy theft or reasonable suspicion of theft, or other actual or suspected unlawful activity;To provide support to their investigation of an incident or reasonable suspicion of an incident involving the health or safety of Members, employees and visitors to Shaughnessy theft or reasonable suspicion of theft, or other actual or suspected unlawful activity; 
  • To obtain information requested by a government institution with lawful authority to request the information for the purposes of enforcing any law of Canada, a province or a foreign jurisdiction or for the purpose of gathering intelligence to enforce such law;
  • To comply with a subpoena or warrant or an order made by a court, person or body with jurisdiction to compel the production of the information;
  • To comply with rules of court; or
  • To protect the Club’s rights or to fulfill The Club’s obligations provided that the access is required or permitted by law.

In addition, the video security footage may be accessed by Information Technology Staff, and service providers to the Club (only with permission by the Club) in one of the following circumstances:

  • To evaluate and test the performance of the video security surveillance and ensure it is operating properly; or
  • To provide maintenance as required.

Retention and Destruction of Video Security Footage

The video security footage will be password protected and stored on a computer in a secure area in the back office. Under normal usage, the video security footage will be retained for a period of three months and then is overwritten, unless required to be kept longer due to an incident or due to a lawful request.

Unauthorized Access, Use or Disclosure

Any unauthorized access, use or disclosure of video security footage is to be reported in accordance with the Club’s Privacy Policy. Employees may be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal and a contractor may be terminated immediately, if the employee or contractor is found to have not complied with this policy or the Club’s employee video surveillance policy.

Access by Shaughnessy Members or Visitors to Shaughnessy

Members and visitors may request access to video security footage that has captured their personal information by contacting the Club Controller. The Club will respond to such reasonable requests in accordance with the Shaughnessy Privacy Policy and applicable privacy laws.

Privacy Policy

Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of information that has been provided by the Members, guests or the public. This Privacy Policy has been prepared to confirm such commitment and to assist Members in understanding the type of Personal Information that the Club may collect from the Members and from others, how the Club may use that Personal Information, to whom the Club may disclose it, and how the Club safeguards that Personal Information and the Members’, Guests’ and the public’s privacy. The Club is committed to collecting, using and disclosing Personal Information in a responsible manner, and only to the extent necessary for the services the Club provides. This Privacy Policy has been developed to comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

Collection, Use & Disclosure of Personal Information

Personal Information means information about an identifiable individual. Personal Information would include such things as a person’s home address and telephone number, e-mail address, age, gender, race, height and weight, information about the person’s health, political views, income and activities. Personal Information does not include certain business information, specifically, a person’s title at work, business address and business telephone number.

If the Club wishes to collect Personal Information from Members, Members will be informed before gathering such information, and an explanation will be provided on how the Club intend to use the information. The Personal Information that the Club typically collects from the Members includes contact information (name, home address, home telephone number and e-mail address) as well as a Member’s birth date and the name of a Member’s spouse and children. The Member’s contact information may be used in order to reach Members to discuss the status of their membership with the Club, and is published, along with a Member’s class of membership in the Club Roster so that other Members of the Club may connect to schedule a round of golf. Such information is also disclosed to other Members on our website for the same purpose.

In certain circumstances, PIPEDA provides that the Club may disclose Personal Information without a Member’s consent. Such circumstances include: where required by law or by order of a court or tribunal; where the information is used for the purpose of collecting a debt owed to the Club; where the Personal Information is requested by a government institution to enforce any law; and in the case of an emergency that threatens the life, health or security of an individual. In such circumstances, the Club will not disclose more information than is reasonably necessary. The Club will not sell, trade or exchange any Personal Information collected.

Security of Member’s Information

The Club takes all reasonable precautions to safeguard Members’ Personal Information, whether the information is kept electronically or otherwise. This involves ensuring that the only persons who view Members’ Personal Information are those who reasonably have the need to do so, and that where necessary and appropriate, sensitive Personal Information may be locked in filing cabinets or in offices. All of the Club’s staff are trained to collect, use and disclose Personal Information only as necessary to serve the Members or customers’ needs and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Electronically, all of the Club’s computers and computer network may only be accessed with passwords which are updated regularly. The Club may use other agents, contractors or companies to perform services on its behalf (e.g., credit card companies, its accountants) and such parties may have limited access to certain Personal Information collected.

Accessing Member’s Personal Information

With limited exceptions as set forth in PIPEDA, Members are always entitled to access the Personal Information collected by the Club. The Club reserves the right to charge a nominal fee to provide such access. If the Club cannot provide access to the Member’s Personal Information, the Club will advise the Member within 30 days, and as per changes to the Club’s policy will tell, if possible, why the Club cannot provide such access. If the Member believes that any factual information contained in their Personal Information is incorrect, the Member is requested to the Club so that their records can be updated.

Use Of Club’s Website

Members can visit most pages on the Club’s website without providing any Personal Information about themselves. However, sometimes the Club needs Personal Information to provide services requested. The Club only collects Personal Information that Members submit voluntarily, such as when Members provide their address or other contact information that they choose to provide in order that other Members of the Club may contact them. By providing such information, the Member consents to the Club’s collection and use of Personal Information for such purposes. The Club will remove their Personal Information from the Club’s website upon receiving a request in writing for them to do so. Due to the nature of the Internet, however, no data transmission over the Internet is fully secure. Please be aware of this before sending the Club any information through the website as the Club cannot guarantee that any information that transmitted will not be intercepted and/or misused by third parties.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are identifiers that a website sends to your browser and stores on your computer to streamline your next visit to that website. The Club does not presently use cookies on its website.


The Club’s website may from time to time contain links to other websites that may collect Members’ Personal Information. The Club does not assume any responsibility for the third-party website’s privacy practices or policies and cannot be held liable for the actions of those third parties. Members should review the privacy policies of such parties before providing them with any Personal Information.

Retention of Information

The Club is required to maintain certain Personal Information for a period of time for various reasons, including for income tax purposes. All Personal Information will be disposed of when appropriate, and in a manner that is secure and which respects the Members’ privacy. When the Club disposes of a Member’s or a customer’s information, including Personal Information, paper files will be shredded and information kept electronically is deleted from the computers and computer network.

Non-Solicitation Policy

Policy Purpose

This policy is to establish clear expectations for the solicitation of goods, events, and services to the Membership at Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club, both by Members and Non-Members.


All requests for solicitation must be presented to, and approved by, the General Manager and Chief Operating Officer – this includes utilizing the Club roster and/or other collections of Member contact information to advertise personal business or pleasure opportunities.

Generally, it is expected that Members and Non-Members do not solicit the Club Membership for their business, in the spirit of allowing Members a respite from unwanted solicitation. The following exceptions may be afforded by the General Manager and Chief Operating Officer:

  • Advertisement of Member events (events hosted by the Club to which all Members and/or all Members of a particular membership category are invited to attend;
  • Advertisement of new membership opportunities, e.g. new membership categories;
  • Advertisement of golf-related events, e.g. national tournaments;
  • Advertisement of goods and services provided by the Club, e.g. discount sales in the Golf Retail Shop.
  • Logos or other company signage associated with sponsoring companies, e.g. the logo of a company that is sponsoring a Club event.

Breach of Policy

Unapproved soliciting materials found on Club property will be disposed of without notice. Failure to meet the expectations of this policy may result in disciplinary action that could include private discipline, public reprimand, suspension or expulsion as authorized in the By-Laws.

Disciplinary Policy

Approved by the Board of Directors on February 25, 2021

Policy Purpose

This policy is to outline the procedure to determine appropriate disciplinary action against those Members who, knowingly or unknowingly, defy or breach the rules of the Club. These rules of the Club include: those rules outlined in the Club Rules; the Code of Conduct; other policies of the Club as approved by the Board of Directors. These rules and policies are to be listed on the Club’s website and updated as needed.


The Board has the authority to investigate any complaints, and to discipline, reprimand, suspend, or expel any Member for cause. Such cause may consist of the violation of any Bylaw or Club Rule, of any improper usage of the Club property, or conduct which, in the opinion of the Board, is prejudicial to the reputation of the Club or to the good order and discipline of the Club. The Board shall not make the discipline of any Member for cause other than nonpayment of Club indebtedness, until the Member has had an opportunity to present a defense. The Board may from time to time establish the terms of reference for the Executive Committee, to investigate and recommend appropriate disciplinary action if any. The role of the Executive Committee is to review and provide a recommendation to the Board. The Board makes final determination regarding appropriate disciplinary action. As per Bylaw 2.02 (d), the Board of Directors has the power to provide penalties for infractions of Club Rules and By-Laws.

Breach of Policy

The following is the process that will be followed if a situation arises that may lead to the suspension or expulsion of a Member:

  1. In the first instance of a complaint, issue or concern that may give rise to Member discipline, the General Manager will have the delegated authority as a first step to conduct an informal investigation into the matter, and to determine if there is any substance to the matter that requires further inquiry or if the matter can be resolved summarily.
  2. If the General Manager determines that the matter can be mutually resolved or mediated without further investigation into more serious sanctions such as suspension or expulsion, the General Manager will resolve the matter and document the incident and resolution in the Member files of those involved.
  3. If the General Manager, after conducting an informal investigation, comes to the conclusion that the matter cannot be resolved by the General Manager summarily and requires further investigation, the General Manager will make a recommendation to the Executive Committee to consider further investigation.
  4. Upon the referral of a discipline matter by the General Manager to the Executive Committee, the General Manager will provide a report and dossier to the Executive Committee.
  5. Upon consideration of the General Manager’s report concerning further investigation and discipline, the Executive Committee may refer the matter back to the General Manager to pursue other avenues of resolution or the Executive Committee will investigate, interview witnesses, hold hearings and submissions. At this point, the Executive Committee upon conclusion of its investigation, may issue reprimand or a suspension of any length; in this case, the offending Member would be given the opportunity for a written or oral defence to the Executive Committee.
  6. At the Executive Committee’s discretion, the committee has the authority to add an additional or alternate Member(s) to the committee as necessary.
  7. Should expulsion be recommended by the Executive Committee, the report of the Executive Committee will be considered by the Board. Upon the Board’s review of the report, the Member whose conduct is to be reviewed must be provided written notice of the conduct alleged and opportunity to be heard in accordance with the Bylaws. Following this hearing between the Member in question and the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors will make its decision on discipline by resolution.
  8. All decisions of the Board and/or the Executive Committee (up to its designated authority) to hear and determine charges against a Member are final.

Terms of Suspension and/or Expulsion

During suspension the Member will have no access to the Club property. A suspended Member is responsible for all dues, fees, assessments etc. that would otherwise have been due.

Expulsion may be applied to a Member who has committed especially grievous violations or to a Member that has previously been suspended for any reason, on three separate occasions. Upon expulsion, the Member will immediately forfeit all Membership rights, shall not be eligible for reinstatement, and shall thereafter be barred from Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club property.

Member and Employee Fraternization Policy

Fraternization and romantic relationships between an employee and a member of the Club can foster a work environment with perceived forms of bias, favouritism, intimidation, conflicts of interest, coercion, exploitation, and harassment. As a result, Shaughnessy prohibits any such romantic relationships at the Club.

Social Media and Content Creation Policy

Policy Purpose

This policy is to establish guidelines and expectations for social media and content creation that involves Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club and its members. It is not intended to restrict and control the members’ use of their personal or business social media accounts, but rather to ensure that all members uphold the same standard of conduct online as they are expected when on Club property. The Board is ultimately responsible for the brand and image of the Club.

Usage and Content Creation

Members are encouraged to follow the Club’s social media pages to stay up to date with information pertaining to upcoming or ongoing events, and Club updates. Members may wish to comment on the Club’s social media posts, other Club related social media posts with their opinions or personal thoughts. Members may also wish to create photo and video content either for the purposes of social media use or personal use. However, members are expected to exercise their best judgement when doing so. This could include:

  • Social media and content creation that contains information that is confidential or proprietary to Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club or its affiliates without approval of the General Manager;
  • Must not use the Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club brand to endorse or promote any product, opinion, cause or politics, or for any commercial purpose;
  • Must not affect the private enjoyment and usage of the Club by any other members, guests or employees;

Must not be perceived to be causing any delays during the regular course of play on the golf course or tennis courts.